Building the Future with Business, Web Development and AWS

Flowbite Tailwind CSS UI Kit

I’m Aaron - A Full-Stack Developer with a huge passion for business, AWS Cloud and upcoming technologies.

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About Me

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Getting to Know Me

About me

I'm passionate about many things in life. I love to travel with friends, exploring new destinations and creating lasting memories. Spending quality time with my son and family is a top priority. Professionally, I thrive on working with businesses, helping them grow and succeed in today's dynamic environment. Collaborating with teams, solving challenges, and driving innovation is what keeps me motivated. Additionally, I enjoy participating in networking events, sharing my insights and experiences with others. In my free time, I go to the gym, where I do my best to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I also enjoy reading self-help books, constantly seeking new knowledge and personal growth. These passions and pursuits drive me to be the best I can be and to continuously learn and grow. I also love coffee, so maybe you could...

Buy Me a Coffee


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Web Application Cloud Deployment
I've had the pleasure of creating a PHP CMS web application recently and deploying it on AWS. It was hosted on an ubuntu EC2 instance, it stores object data in S3, and the database is managed with RDS. Using SSH, I've ensured its secure and reliable operation.
Image of AWS logo.
The Railway Cafe Website
I have designed and I am currently developing a website for a local cafe. It will have a booking system for customers to reserve tables, and a menu system for customers to order food and drinks. It will be hosted on AWS.
Image of coffee.
AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification
I have completed the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification and I am well on the way to getting my Solutions Architecture Associate. I have learned about AWS Cloud and its global infrastructure, and how to use AWS services to build secure and reliable cloud applications.
Solutions Architecture
Image of AWS Certification badge.
Get In Touch
If you would like to get in touch with me for anything tech or business related you can reach me by my email below.

2023 Aaron Riley. All rights reserved.